Docket Reminder LLC provides services subject to the following conditions:
- The search results we generate for you are only meant to serve as a redundant backup for your primary calendaring system.
- You agree to not hold Docket Reminder LLC responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions, or service errors.
- The results are only from Utah District and Justice Courts; they currently do not include juvenile courts, Utah Court of Appeals, Utah Supreme Court, state agencies, or federal courts or agencies.
- Search results are based entirely on your name, so if (i) the name you provide to Docket Reminder does not match your name as it appears in the court calendars, (ii) your name is spelled incorrectly on the court’s calendar, or (iii) you change your name with the Bar or the courts without updating it with Docket Reminder, our search will miss it (let us know if this happens). Results will also not appear in our search results if for some reason you are not publicly listed on the appearance (some hearings are more confidential). In addition, if another person has your same name you will see results for them as well.
- Possible service disruption: All of our data comes from the calendars published on the Utah Courts website. The courts have told us that someday they will change the format of these calendars. If this happens we won’t be able to provide search results until we can rebuild our system to read the new format. We will let you know if/when that happens. Docket Reminder is not responsible for service disruptions due to the unavailability of court calendars or other causes outside its control.
- Limitation of Liability: The Services are meant to serve as a redundant backup for your primary calendaring system. You agree not to rely on the Services as your primary system for tracking upcoming court appearances. Docket Reminder makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee about the completeness or correctness of the data provided to you in the Services. IN NO EVENT WILL Docket Reminder BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OF YOUR AFFILIATES FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF DOCKET REMINDER WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE OCCURRENCE OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ADDITION, DOCKET REMINDER WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OF YOUR AFFILIATES UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR AN AMOUNT THAT EXCEEDS THE TOTAL FEES PAID TO DOCKET REMINDER IN THE MONTH IN WHICH SUCH LIABILITY AROSE. The limitations of liability set forth herein are material to the Agreement. You acknowledge that the fees for the Services would be significantly higher absent these limitations of liability.
- Fees and Billing: You will be directed to make payments through Docket Reminder’s third-party payment processor. Payment for ongoing Services will be processed at the beginning of each month for the Services to be provided during that month. Docket Reminder may adjust prices at any time.
- Termination of Services: Docket Reminder may discontinue the Services at any time, subject to reimbursement to you of any unearned fees. You may discontinue the Services at any time; however, you may not be reimbursed for the month in which you notify Docket Reminder of your decision to discontinue the Services.
- Survival: The terms of this Agreement shall survive the discontinuation of the Services except to the extent inconsistent with a discontinuation of the Services.
Use of Docket Reminder’s services constitutes acceptance of these terms of service which are subject to change.